Hello Beautiful!
Are you feeling good about who you are and how you are showing up in the world?
The transitions you may be going through (physical and emotional) as a women in midlife are understandably challenging.
You might not recognize yourself and feel disconnected from the person staring back at you in the mirror. You might feel invisible as you scroll through social media thinking you are not enough.
You may be energized, inspired and full of purpose on the inside, but you’re playing it small because you feel irrelevant and too old.
Do these three limiting beliefs resonate with you?
I'm too old to …
I'm not… enough
I should …

Hi there! I'm MJ.
As a modeling agency owner and former make up artist, I understand what its like to live in a culture that favors the shiny and new, and gives little value to experience. I also understand how challenging it is to be authentic at this time in our lives and still feel beautiful and relevant.
It is that belief that fuels my vision when I work with women. As a lifelong advocate of inclusivity, a certified coach with an NLP specialty, I’m uniquely positioned to understand the obstacles and difficulties we face as women at this time of our lives.
My passion is to help you step fully into all the beautiful aspects of who you are
That’s why I’ve created three signature programs designed to help you step into your power and show the best version of yourself to the world.
My three offers for you!
The beauty Experience:
A personalized one on one beauty workshop for women in mid life.
The Beauty Experience offers makeup workshops aimed primarily at women 50 years of age and older who wish to explore a personalized way to apply makeup based on their body type, skin type, lifestyle and the changes they are experiencing or have experienced.
1 on 1 coaching with MJ
Where are you at? What do you feel Is not working?
From the inside out, take back your power! Establish new beliefs.
Reconnect with the real you .Embrace what makes you unique and replace any negative self talk with re-energized confidence.
My conference topics
Transitioning into your 50s and 60s: Managing the fear and thriving
Whether you want to inspire an audience, impact your personnel, create a training session, or hire a speaker for your professional group or association, I might just be the person you are looking for!
Feeling confident & empowered
Being radiant and memorable
Feeling like you're enough
Don't limit your potential
Connect to the authenticity of who you are and elevate yourself !
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